[IMG] ⭐ Welcome to XPlugins ⭐ At XPlugins we provide fully automated PvM plugins. Safety is our top priority and we strive to deliver the most...
Supported Payment Methods: Crypto, Cashapp, Strike, Venmo, Zelle, OSRS GP and PayPal* *PayPal is not available to first time subscribers! Click...
Lots of streamers who do inferno use a plugin to hide dead npc's so you dont click on dead nibblers. Its not allowed by jagex but its kinda a...
Hello Guys. I want to code my own OpenOsrs Plugins, but can't find any tutorials for it. I have very basic programming knowledge of Java, C++...
Hello, as you know, I am buying and selling B from RuneWild at the best price on the Forum. Buying: - RuneWild. - Roat Pkz - Zaros - Others...
Selling bulks gold rsps runewild in stock pm me Selling bulks gold rsps runewild in stock pm me Selling bulks gold rsps runewild in stock pm me...
Can't see any images or videos? TURN OFF ADBLOCK ✅ No monthly fees. No BULLSHIT. Lifetime support. Pay once and done. [IMG] [IMG] ✅ If you're...
I would like to buy a RuneLite plugin that displays an overlay (coloured square) depending on my PvP opponents equipped weapon. The overlay would...
I'm looking for certain mouse manipulation methods to use through runelite. Anyone have any suggestions. This is a pretty big shot in the dark....
These plugins were removed by the OpenOSRS team, I'm not selling them, nor did I code them, I am not affiliated with OpenOSRS either, I'm just...
I have some free time and have been working on some Runelite scripts. Little things such as saying how much food an opponent has been eating and...
This is an OSRS username checker built in Autoit. It takes a text file as Input containing lines of usernames, enters them into the name selection...
Got an idea for a bot to generate wealth in OldSchool Runescape or a Private server? In need of an utility to help you while playing? i.e: Insta...
Hi. This project, RuneLitePlus has already gotten a lot of attention from Other 3rd party client makers and also big name streamers such as Katie,...
Hey, Does anyone know how to hide certain implings in puro puro? They click range is insane so you missclick them thousand times when you are...
I wanted to write a little plugin to help me with hydra kills. Just something that would count the number of attacks it's used (it changes after 3...