I think this is a good idea, there are multiple dead sections.
Ah, was just curious if you had a date in mind to see if you could finish by. And good luck :)
Entertaining video, nice job.
Congratulations on 99 range :) that was fast. Good luck on 99 strength ;) what's your estimated time to reach 99 str?
Nice win, I agree they need to buff the exp amount on lamps.
Ouch, a lucky whip... I like how its invisible though :D
Nice, upload more photos though, it makes the thread look more interesting. Also since you're getting up summoning, what is your goal for...
Nice profits! I would host if I had the funds ;)
I would also like pics of stats :D
Nice progress thus far :) No point being a zerker come new combat system as I've heard bgloves will req 70 def etc.
Hasn't been announced yet to my knowledge, might be a while.
Its all based on the gear and what a buyer is willing to spend, I'd recommend posting masked armories in the account sales section of each...
Healbot is very helpful in my opinion, I don't have an 85 holy pally but I have a level 70 one and it helps A LOT. As to the set up its based on...
Good luck on your goals! I was never a fan of getting pures past 60 atk. also @Failed the account already has 99 atk.
Nice! Also terrible loot on the scroll xD
Nice series, keep making them :D
Nice! I'll probably never win a rare thing xD