Uhhh You tell me dude? how does 20m for 750k sound? With a legit middleman etc.
Hey man, Will you swap 07 for ur BM. Might make it easyer to buy Alora GP with?
[IMG] Him saying it is him i am trading.
Funny that he decided to scam 3m also. KYS
You just scammed 3m. Doubt you brought a RS account.
Scammer's profile link:|Blood money shop|6b+ Stock| Selling/Buying Blood money! Explanation of the trade:Scammed 3m OSRS GP. How they scammed:...
Ill buy all for price asked.
Okay guys, YZ250F has just scammed me for 10m RSGP. I have done countless trades through him, I guess with the OS-Scape PVP BM being rare to find...
buying osscape BM. Add connor.animals. Would prefer items at the moment. (arcane, ballista, torture) Will not be done without a MM!
Delete please it posted 2 threads.
Ill take OSSscape BM?
Vouch brought BM
connor.animals not going first we use mm. paying 100k/10k
Type of trade: RSGP Trade value:15m. Buyer skype: Connor.animals Seller skype: ziggy.cast Do you agree to my ToS?: yes
Currently buying OSSCAPE BM w2. Comment below.
Scammed me 20m. DO NOT TRUST
VOUCH. brought BM
vouch - brought big stock bm