I'm sorry. but whats BEW?
Ghouls and get gold charms for summoning,
first, and xbox 360 is better. and inb4arashipostsafunnypicture.
You should make some parts foggy or blurry cause it makes me think of ice. but its still looks fresh
Man /topic
[IMG] How long will it take me to use these on an alter? and why did jagex put a lmit to how many items you can buy in one day?
500k, and it has 50 wc.
why dont you just make this account? and I have a level 3, with 66 WC'ing and 1 everything else, do you want it?
Welcome to sythe :D you should come dice
Bump. Come Dice. Come Dice. Come Dice. Come Dice. Come Dice. Come Dice. Come Dice.
Support. +1 and Katy Perry is aight, but most of her songs get stuck in my head and I don't like that.