sold me 273m I went first good doing business as always
sold me 273m for paypal I went first good guy to deal with :)
currently splashing fire bolt "_"
[TRUSTED]Fully Quested Zerker 66 Combat B gloves Lunars Ancients!!! 276 qp 1098 total level!!!!! I know its 51 pray and 45 def but fully quested...
This will be my.... 5th I believe account sale on here or 6th still A member on sythe which means no recoveries I mainly make these accounts...
Did a btc trade 155$ trade he always wanting me to vouch n I'm like I got u then I don't do it but I really eventually do it
buying 136$ btc for 155 with taurine
this guy just sold me 200m and I think im about to buy another 150m :)
sold me 200m will be back!!!!!!!
nty .98 as the post says I pay more than anybody else buying bulk
having problems with Skype give me one moment sorry for the inconvenience
As the title says I'm looking to purchase bulk gold at .98/m paypal add me on Skype Live:804ls1fd3s we can use a middleman or you will go first:) hmu