You must post proof before making accusations :) I suggest you make a scam report
Very quick response great mod
add me on Skype Live:804ls1fd3s maybe we can work something out
Need this moved to lvl 70+ please :) upppppppppppppppppppppp 76 range 70 mage 50 att 63 str now
got me fcape with plenty supplies left good guy vouch
has firecape now and I can get somebody to sell u gold
Jad or full cave: full Have you read the requirements? [Y/N] Yus Have you added my skype? [Y/N] Yus speaking with you now
thanks bud 100$ bid noted
63 range almost 70 going for 75 will be ready to Blow pipe and burst in no time
i'll sell for .94m
270m now
good guy bought gold for btc
360m available
63 str 70 mage 51 range going for 70 range too :) then 70 str
Skype? add me live:804ls1fd3s
Your Skype ID: live:804ls1fd3s Other Traders Skype ID: live:gold07shop What type of trade: btc for 07 Do you agree to my TOS: yes
added you :)
as the title says i'll be selling gold for .96 per mil btc only post here then add my Skype Live:804ls1fd3s