Contrary to what people are saying, at low levels farming experience is cheap, and in some cases, profitable. At level 15, acorns can be planted...
Do you not stop and consider that english may be his second language? I doubt you'd be able to write the OP in Finnish, so shut your arrogant...
Do any of you really think that any member of the police force has the time to investigate a RuneScape item scam/account scamming? Breaking News:...
What's the background information? The only thing he can do with an I.P. is down your internet and locate you to a broad area (such as a specific...
Surround Sound has reported a post. Reason:Spam. Post: Chinning to 99 Range Advice Please Forum: RuneScape 2 General Assigned Moderators:...
Hurr it's called the combat triangle.. I think this is a great update. I'm sick of the virtus/polypore/storm of armadyl idiots PJing my dharok...
I trained range at skeletons on my main over the weekend. How much budget do you have to spend on armour, and what's your range level?
I can't believe anyone would even consider doing this. It just takes the concept of MMORPG 'relationships' to a new level. It makes me sick to...
>Can't be bothered to do Dungeoneering because it takes a lot of effort and concentration to maximise experience >Wonder why people charge so much...
You should see the smile on my face as I read these posts. I remember all of this so clearly. Keep it up guys (;
I'll sit down then mate, obviously you have the experience that I don't ^_^. If that really works then I'd suggest herblore for OP IF you have...
Should I bring a beast of burden for chinning in the skeleton dungeon? Will it just get killed by the skeletons? Also, can I bring a familiar...
How many people have been stupid enough to fall for that? Honestly?
Average xp rate is 1.66 if you spend the whole 10 hours on one skill. Though alching on bonus xp weekend is stupid. Superheat gold ores at a bank...
Burst. It's much cheaper for a little less experience. If I were you I'd do Magic. 99 magic is a very useful skill. Vengeance,...
A fantastic update. It means it's now very easy to change to/from lunars and ancients, which makes life exceptionally convenient. If you own...
Has no-one seen the roll-backs lately? People have been done for amounts of 50m, let alone 2 billion coins. The safest way is to stake it across...
Very few large bonus items stack with bonus xp weekend. If in doubt, assume it doesn't. Boots and paws won't lose charge if you wear them, but you...
Links are legit. Great video mate.
Incorrect. The boots lose their bonus halfway through May this year. The skoll boots and hati paws do NOT stack with the bonus experience weekend.