Those look great, but class specific gear would be nice.. either way looks good
There's a lot more to this game but it takes a long time before a wide range of options come up, and a lot of people quit before they can make it...
I know it's fucked up. I've been playing for years and always wanted a godsword when I was younger. Now I can buy more then a full inventory of...
Spent some made some. Made a couple hundred off selling bulk gold. :)
Then recover the account, it's not lost forever... You got hacked out of 50m, bot it back... easily earned by the bots I have.
Welcome back Nate, Gratz Kero. Well deserved :)
They will close your account if you are under 18. When I got charged back once I got it closed because I am 17. Don't worry. :)
Nexus. The price is worth the security. :)
Take care, very respectable farewell. Best of luck.
µtorrent has reported a post. Reason:Unreasonable spamming. Post: Scripting bots; need help Forum: Programming General Assigned Moderators:...
Hey, don't know if you still need the malwarebytes link but here you go....
I botted at minotaurs to make some gold farmers and it was the way to go.
I guess you're just unlucky on those stakes you should be winning? Boxing is based on luck, i've seen some huge comebacks for bills in the...
CoD4 for PC was one of my favorite games I miss playing promod with a bunch of my friends, they all quit and so did I :(
Coming to support the clan thats made and broke my bank, lol Should be a good time