Bought 128m a few minutes ago. Went first. Deal took about 2 minutes, and now I'm 128m richer :)
PM'd ya
PM'd you
How much for 20-80?
Service desired: Thieving Starting level and desired ending level: 63-66 Do you agree to my ToS?:Yes Are you willing to go first/Use an...
I buy a lot of stuff, decided to get my reputation up. Vouch here (: 1 Vouch , sold him 50M ,very fast and friendly , thanks! Qdoba bought 2m...
Bought 50m from him. The order took no time at all, and I went first. Big vouch, will use again
Amount of RSGP: 51m Payment method: PayPal Added me yet: Yes
Did construction for me. 60-64. Did it in about an hour. Fast and trustworthy. Vouch.
Vouch for him. He was going to do 68 con for me, but admitted he had to sleep early, so I just had him go from 60-64 for me. Everything went down...
Service: 60-68 construction Sythe Name: (put name here) Qdoba Agree to ToS?: Yes would you vouche?: Yes Offered to pay you for this particular...
Service: Fire cape Sythe Name: (put name here) Qdoba Agree to ToS?: Yes would you vouche?: Yes
Bought 18m from him. I got the money less than ten minutes after my order form. Very fast, and trustworthy. Huge vouch.
ORDER FORM Amount: 20m Payment method:Paypal Msn/Skype: I will PM you my skype You agree to Terms & Conditions: Yes
Just skyped you.
So I'm gathering that I should go with slayer haha. Which is good, because I really want to do slayer. Does anybody have a good guide I can read...
Hello all, I am new to the world of the EoC. I played runescape for years, and quit just because it took too much of my time. Now I am back just...
Fast services, good prices, and always willing to negotiate. Huge vouch.
Sent a PM
If you really will make a custom account, I'd very much like a 60 woodcut account. If that is not too excessive.