Most friendly person I have ever received a service from, and did it extremely fast, not botted, and for a very good price. Thank you, huge vouch,...
Adding you on skype to discuss slayer
Talking on skype, you're doing prayer for me.
Made another quick and easy purchase. 44m. Thanks you.
I guess for whatever reason, my original post did not make its way onto your thread, but we are currently talking on skype about future transactions
P/C on 91-95 range?
Made a purchase of 20m, probably my fifth purchase from Rskingp. Always fast, and efficient.
HM are you looking for? I will buy this cheap in EoC gold
Hello. I need someone to brandish my royal crossbow. I just cannot seem to get it done and I really need it. Would prefer if you were trusted,...
Just bought 50m easy peasy. Vouch.
Talking on skype.
Did my fire cape for me in 2 hours and only used about 80 ice barrages. HUge vouch.
Easy to communicate with despite our time difference, did the cape very fast, and very few materials. Huge vouch for him. Get them while they're...
Did you add me on MSN yet: Not MSN, but skype Fire cape/Kiln: EOC Fire cape Payment Method: RSGP and PP cash Will you vouch/feedback me: Yes
Amount of gold you need : 20m Payment method PA/PP/MB : PP Have you contacted me : Yes
Great communication. Fast service. Did 32-50 dung for me cheap. Would recommend
having 32-50 dung done. Order being done now
PM'd (:
I am pretty interested. PM me your skype.