Hi, so today I went thru my shit and rediscovered my old yu-gi-oh cards. I have about 60 ish cards which some are extremly rare under mint...
my bad im going to update! please lock as im going to make a duplicate on the good section
Alot of work into this account! You still login with a runescape name, not a e-mail!
Must go! I'm taking off this offer wednesday if nobody is interested!
Hi, I am selling A ps3 account which has shotguns rank with a 400 ish ratio in call of duty black ops II zombies. I also have 1 DLC pack coming...
Must go ASAP! Its a very cheap price for this account! Onecould could consider it to cheap to be legit but I am serious and this MUST go.
I am looking for 7.5gp EOC scape for my account I posted on this forum.
Hello guys, I am currently selling my ex-account that I have no interest in, for a runescape bond or 5$ paypal. I will go first if you show me...
Amount: 25m MSN: [email protected] Willing to go first? Y/N: Yes