big vouch!
talking to you on skype :)
talking to you on skype, please answer back here
Big vouche! went fast without problems!
Buying now.
Bought 3 times without problems, however, this time, I had to give out some personnal info (my ID card picture). I didnt feel safe so declined.
You go first, ill buy for original price, look at my vouches.
Vouch for him, went well once again!
buying osrs now
vouche for a good trade!!
talking to live support.
About to buy
Buying atm.
vouche for 10m ! ! !
Bout to buy
vouch for getting me a f cape w000000t.
07 Firecape [Ranged/Pray/Def/HP]: 70, 52, 45, 80 RS3 Firecape [Magic/Pray/Def/HP]: x x x x Kiln [Att/Str/Def/Mage/Pray/Summon/Mining]:x x x x...
vouche for selling me 07 gp!