Looking to sell: 85M RS3 Payment method: PayPal Did you add me on skype: Yes Did you pm me on sythe: No
Just sold 8m 07 gp, gigantic vouch for ArcusGold!
Just sold again, sold 360M RS3 gp in a matter of seconds, that's how great ArcusGold is! Huge vouch!
Sold 830m, as I always say, such a great service, the smoothest service out there that has no complications! Huge vouch!
Big vouch, just sold 25M 07 for $2/m, great service.
Have been selling to ArcusGold for a while now, sold 280M today in chunks, went more efficient than I could imagine, 10/10, gigantic vouch!
Just sold 100m RS3 gold, another big vouch for Arcus Gold!
Huge vouch, was not disappointed, quick verification through PM, sold 18M within minutes!
Another big vouch, sold 5m RS07 gp with fees paid by ArcusGold!
Sold 185M, went faster than I could have ever expected, thought it was automated! Huge vouch!
Just sold 15M RS2007 gold, and ANOTHER big vouch for ArcusGold!
Sold another 130M on ArcusGold to Nina, went smooth again! Another great big vouch!
Sold 70M, transaction went smooth and fast! Huge vouch for ArcusGold!
Big vouch, sold 200M!
Huge vouch, too polite in my opinion, great person, great service, would recommend his service to anyone.
Kiln [Att/Str/Def/Mage/Pray/Summon/Mining]: 99 / 99 / 99 / 99 / 99 / 79 / 79 Payment Method: RSGP (EOC) MSN/Skype: [email protected] Have...
Giant vouch, would recommend to anyone. Sold 45M to Lili, excellent service, fast, decent prices.