Hello there Sythe! Today i've got a Mining alt up for sale. It's 92 mining. Great for AFK'ing MLM while focusing on your main or just a good...
Just MM'ed a 200m Account Trade, Albeit i took a long time to go over everything. He still was persistent on keeping it calm and collected. Would...
Sythe names: OWThatHurt, LodiHodgy Type of trade: Account for 07 GP Your Skype: Macdonaldsftw Other party's Skype: live:tyler.zavaros Trade...
Hello there Sythe! Today i'm trying to pickup a maxed combat main account alongside some decent other stats as well as untradeables (Void, Fire...
Interested in Account #3
150m, can go higher if a counter bid comes up ;)
Helped me purchase a beast 99 RC Alt for a crazy good price, would definitely recommend!
Just finished MM'ing a 375m account sale. Went smooth and quick. Would definitely recommend!
Type of trade: Account For 07 GP Amount of trade: 375m Your skype: macdonaldsftw Their skype: mhamman4 Do you agree to the TOS?: Yes Which user is...
Looking to buy 400m via PayPal. @$1.05/m Due to barely any gold trading reputation, willing to buy in small increments as well. As well as go...
375m added that there's a recovery check involved with the transaction alongside recovery details being supplied, Just waiting to purchase the...
Still looking!
Hey! I'm in the currently in the market for an account with 91 Runecrafting. If the account also has a decent Agility level, i'm willing to pay...
Placed an order and paid for 45-60 Attack, still waiting for any levelling to be done. Edit: working on skilling service as we speak :)
Hey! I'm currently looking for someone to level up my account from 1-70 agility. If you're interested, please PM me on Sythe with a Timeframe...