How do I tele there with ancient curses? I don't understand?
What's the fastest way to get to one of the 3 wilderness spots? Is there a way I can teleport close to them?
Is there anyone else who shares the opinion that they'd rather have their first name as their account name rather than a single letter or number?...
How do you kill Green Dragon bots? Does it require any skill or can you just barrage them?
I love how the game changes over time, but most people don't and they are the ones I'm trying to help here. What's your prayer level? If you run...
YOU are 2college? I love your videos man :love: You have to pk in no arm though, otherwise no-one hits.
I just got these requirements and the two most effective ways of training are: Crafting: To get to 57 cut sapphires. It's expensive but it's only...
Ask for rare risks. Variety-wise I suppose you could fight in full corrupt dragon :D
It depends. What combat level are you aiming for? Do you want to stay at 1 defence? You can avoid that by heading to f2p worlds. People are...
I'm a recruiter for an ingame clan that's based around chatting, skilling, sharing tips etc. We have around 70 members and it's a fanstastic...
There have always been people who want things in RuneScape to stay exactly the same. Updates, improvements, revisions..they all take away from...
The image links are broken. Re-upload them and insert them between [IMG] tags
PM/Post a link to the video?
The Runescape community really need to ditch the neophobic tendencies. Graphical updates do NOT significantly affect gameplay, they're only little...
Melee is much more effective + fun for edgeville pking so I'd go for that. On the other hand those who like PVM and team pking are better off...
Could you please PM me the two 'Super Rare names'
Are two-letter names transferrable?
Remember when AGS was 150m? Now it struggles to top 30. Remember xfering in bounty hunter and running around the outside trying to escape being pked?
Congratulations !
I would advise taking one hundred chins and using them and then recording the amount of experience points you gain. If you can't be bothered...