Str is 82 :p I am willing to go as low as $15 as I need to buy a 16GB hard drive for my laptop on ebay
I support but people can lie and give negative feedback can't they?
Has only about 300k cash, to lazy for a bank picture because my uploads take for ages. also i lowered the win to $25 and no shane i dont take...
Dang man very nice so far. Botted or hand? He is 99 mage lol.
I once let my pussy out to chase the milk man, she came back with milk all over her.
Ffs jimmy
I got 2 sara godswords and about 2b on 2speced i'll give for your main depending how rich it is. msn: [email protected]
john $50 please.
Ok i dont play anymore, last logged on this account about 2 years ago. All I want is $30 (paypal) msn: [email protected] Not going first...
I would of done that but my screen is 23" so you kno
Good idea but like that guy said, its on not to suggest list.
Internets for me and my croppiny ty. [IMG]
[IMG] perfect will help a lot of those runefags out who cant get a girl irl. thanks sythe!!
Obviously I know that lol. He was a great entertainer though.
Hi guys, former WWE superstar Umaga died earlier today from a heart attack. He died at such a young age, he was a 300+ pounder but very quick....
olol. get it guys because u listen to music through your ears u get a EARgasm!! fatih is so...
wall of text burns my eyes, not use to it in spam forum soz