Get 70 attack... 80 rannge work on str
lllllllllll has reported a post. Reason:Scamming people bye giving false info Titties in the sig Post: Free Lvl 27 With 18mill And 82 Wc...
The guys sig has inapropriate things in it too and hes just ploying for people to sign up
Free Jumpzs Nice account gl selling
7/10 my friend has a very similiar accoun t
99 90 70 70 prayer 99 range 99 mage
this guy has tried to buy every account my friend has tried to sell fore like 700.00 lol this guy is either rich...or is a gay little scammer.....
Yea was it harder?
T M Skills lol skiller im not bothering posting my mains name.
Rsc Wise G e l u The orracle 1800 guthix Niqor plz noobiauto1
nice...they all look like bionicles... Im glad i got my cape before...
i got a level 92 Can use B axe Has klanks 84 str 75+ attack (cant quite remember) and 72 defence Does 25 damage and can use god spells for...
very nice lol... Are you on srl forums?
nice combats...but in my own opinion your poor for 129 cb 7/10
Yo i can middleman the trade if "NEEDED"
I can middleman if you ever find a buyer. If i am up to your standards that is.
Middle men are here to be trusted figures of the community and to prevent scams. Use them or go first.
Props on the account man' Goodluck selling
I have gotten a free rs membership for a month from gaming
someone scan this.