op was molested by asians as a child
free bogdan
rip me.
i play whenever i have time but don't watch any of those videos and community shits. ..
they cheap likk yer mmaama.
One day Bogdan is going to sell all his mini ranks to some unsuspecting billionaire son and buy sythe then turn it into a mini rank.
congrats, dude. its a great skill imo, u should train past 99 maybe?
the hero we need but dnt deserv
i would also be pissed if i spent $1k+ on 32x32 internet forum stamps and knew no1 would ever buy them because i hav no pen0s.
This sounds somewhat interesting. Can any1 gov the ignrnt pleb like myself an acco9nt of what happnd. \ plaase.
1 420 pls to go. edit: will try to be cool if i get a cool kid 1 too. promis.
omfg the prices.
haven't played rs in a while. ye. bored.
yeyeye yeeeeeee [IMG]
so desuka? shite kudasai
but when?