Hey guys I'm selling my 30m 07gp for $90 BTC. It's not negotiable since it's a very fair rate. If you're very trusted I'll go first. If not,...
Offer on an 85 mining acc with no other stats?
Bought 7 bonds I went first and everything was smoooth
Talkin with you on Skype about buying 6-7 bonds
Bought 3 more vouches eeeeez thanks!
Hey man I've got an 85-90-85 account. It doesn't really have other stats but lost city is done. It also had a 2-day ban. I have 35 or 36 vouches...
Vouch bought 5 bonds tytyty
Big vouch sold him 42m I went first thanks :)
Big vouch once again for Murd :) I went first selling some 07 no problems were had
Huge vouch for OR once again. Sold 07 gp I went first :) Thanks
Big vouch thanks. Sold him 30m I went first no problems :)
Vouch for OR :) Sold more 07gp quick and easy
Big ol vouch for OblivionRage!! Sold 25m 07 I went first no problems were had :)
Big vouch for Murd. Sold 20m 07 I went first no problems
Big vouch for OblivionRage. Once again I went first selling 17m 07gp and got my money not even a minute later :) Thanks!
Oh sorry. I can't do PP but when I get more gp may be able to do Skrill. Just sold 100m. Will have more in a day or so.
BIG VOUCH FOR THIS MOFO Sold Divica 100m 07 and I went first. Thanks a ton :)
I can't accept PP from you but would be more than happy to sell for moneypak etc
If you do moneypak, vouchers, etc for it then sure
Still got lots left!!! 2.4 for 100m if you are very trusted