Completed lunar diplomacy for me, 10/10, will be back bud
Still for Sale!
bump ;)
bump :)
talking on skype now for lunar diplomacy
Looking For People With 50+ Vouches Only! Plus your TWC, nty
Bump :D
New skype : SaviourZlatan
NEW SKYPE : SaviourZlatan
My Skype Has Been Hacked Comemnt Here!!!
messaging you now, probs gonna match your aw
Looking For People With 50+ Vouches Only!
Please do not waste my times, im trading with TRUSTED ONLY, idc bout the stats, if you're not trusted.... don't comment!
30m will win if no other bid within 3 hours!
I have up to 40m 07 gp to spend on a zerker or 1 defence pure If zerker - veng, hopefully dt done, barrows gloves, firecape if 1 defence pure...
add my skype - zlatanscoming4you
Donation amount: 5 dollars Skype: zlatanscoming4you Method: Paypal
added,im SaviourZlatan
bump :D