EDIT: Seller refunded the money. Thread:...
Yep, he deleted me off skype after I paid him. I'm doing a chargeback.
Paid his invoice, and he just went offline. Possible scam.
Talking on skype
What do you accept? $4/m Paypal.
Looking to purchase a mudstaff for $30 Paypal. Also looking to purchase 100K Body runes at $8 per 100k
I'm interested in the zerker kit.
I'm interested but I sure as hell aint going first.
Ill take it
Just bought 1m
Amount: 1m Payment Method [PP/PA/RSGP/BT]: PP
Added you on skype. Interested in several capes. Range Level (50+):50 Defence Level:1 Hitpoints (50+) Level:50 Prayer Level (43+):43 Inbox me...
Whats your pre-reqs for the waterfall quest?
Looks interesting
I'm interested, but what type of scripts does TriBot offer for 07 Runescape? I cant seem to find anything on the site.
When I was 16 I was playing runescape xD, and got into doing webdesign as a hobby. Now that im 22 I'm a Firearms manufacturer, and NFA dealer...
whats with those large earings?
I'll do it, how do I get a 30 day runescape code?
Vouch! Good seller! Buy RAF Only from this guy he is legit, and has a RAF Removal policy
I need another RAF! Thanks!