Not interested in buying, but i have one question. Does the Rune Essence from Dungeoneering have the ability to be Runecrafted outside of...
I don't wanna troll, but this guide is really a rip-off, you could easily find out how to do this on your own. Just download RSBot, turn Npc's on...
Not to be a troll(if i get reported for it i don't care, this is definitely worth mentioning in my opinion :)), but i have to mention that i have...
I don't want to troll, but price check threads suck the big one, only people who post on there are people looking to be Price Checked, not to...
only like 300k cash on the 81 strength. Although, i have an account 60 attack 59 strength 24 def with 4m on it.
1 attack, 81 strength, 1 defense, 1 prayer. About 20 zeal at the moment as well. Also like 26 days members left.
Can i have Udng please?
Was it botted to 99 hunter? If so, how long ago was the last time you used the hunter bot?
Max i'll pay for that is 6$ even with the members.
I'll start you off at 4$
You're a retard. I can do more if you want. Hell, make a request, and i'll have the picture include things that private servers don't have(make...
Little fun thing to do in Cheat Engine. Found out from a youtube video. Yes, this is real. The only downside (imo) is that other players can't...