P.s Hire Pen-dragonz and if you really want to scare the kid give us the skype and we will huntdown his personal info from facebook to his house...
You heard verry wrong friend. Prohormones are not test boosters... they include test in the stack but are in no way related to what you just said....
I want to punch you in the face with 10 pounds of C4 everytime I see your fucking posts
I don't think you have any clue what you attempted to sound like you were saying
Hit up sportjon or pm me and we'll work out a price for what I'll offer you
Here's the thing. You have nothing on him and honestly no damage or proof of the crime being commited was provided. You have to realize that you...
I could never take shawty ddos serious
For one I admire your compassion. Can't image how hard that would be. But remember you can't make her love you, I would suggest you keep trying to...
Shawty = anonymous leader
On pro hormones I jump 15-20 pounds easily in 2 weeks. Your strength literally will fly up at 2 weeks you will feel strong the whole time also....
For sure, going to check out good o'l ebay. see if any local listing on CL also
Hmm I have been thinking alot about switching over to mac. I'm just not sure, the big questions is do they last long. I have 3 or 4 msi/ alien...
Niceeee. fag I have never seen such high prices either for something in the graphixs unless it was thread layout which he probably charges 8k for
shhh n4n0 is here 0.- shawty I already fried his toaster
Tbh idc. Business is a cruel world. From his art though he seems extremely limited to cropping regular pics and not much else
If you're talking about my sig that's a completely separate link. No image with it either just a link
[IMG] If I wanted your shit homie I would have contacted you.
Tbh you're the only retard I've ever seen keep an old sythe account sig..
Honest review. How is it
YOu should have smiled in your sig...