Range Level: 75 Defence Level: 1 Hitpoints Level: 62 Prayer Level: 43 Skype: talking to you now Do you agree to T.O.S listed above: of course...
Will get started tomorrow!
Willing to do 60-65 for free. Talking to you now.
Looking to start training skills for 07. First few orders will be free. Please keep free orders small. Doing all by hand. Looking to get trusted...
*Order has been filled and completed* Sorry guys!
Got all MM pre reqs done, did MM up to where I can chin, and chinned my range from 62 to 70 in a day. Second time going first to him.
Bought another 63m via nytrix! Never been let down!
Huge vouch. Got me 40-50 fire making and did The Temple of Ikov, The Tourist Trap, Digsite, and Desert Treasure in less than a day. I went first...
Skype: codylnrd Atk/Strength/Defence: 31/32/1 Range :62 Magic: 82 Prayer: 43 Agree to Terms? [Y/N]: Y
I need someone to train 40 to 50 fm and do The Temple of Ikov, Digsite, Tourist Trap, and Desert Treasure. Paying $75 via paypal. Looking for...