I sold some last year, and the value was around 15-25m RS3. Maybe the demand has changed since Also, one factor that is very important in whether...
So you don't go first under any circumstance and only accept payment methods that cannot be recovered? Yawn
La la
I'm still interested in this
If it was free I would go but I don't really see the point in paying just to meet up with people.. You can do that without runefest
I was pretty shocked when I saw that they actually added a poll.
Referral links are not allowed on sythe.
Trolls? I don't have a favorite, unless by that you mean one that I despise least, in which case it would be hard to say My favorite...
Cruellex has reported a post. Reason:Change thread title to "No longer for sale" please Post: LF Serious buyer of Comped account with 2b+...
Cruellex has reported a post. Reason:Please change my thread title - for privacy reasons. Post: LF Serious buyer of Comped account with 2b+...
There are plenty of threads you can look in to find a seller. eg...
Yes, trading gold between accounts that you own and have trained legit is fine, the more you try to hide it the more suspicious they will get, so...
I pmed you a starting offer for those.
Still want
Thanks I added him on RS on the off-chance that I am able to contact him
Nobody has anything at all? :S
If the mini-ranks were perm people would not bother posting once they get it At least I see that happening but I might be too cynical