It is 100% impossible confirmed anyone who claims otherwise has no understanding of physics. The laws of physics do not allow teleportation.
I went into draft with our team all using pool party on PBE it was pretty fun sadly the enemy team wasn't very good but they were very respectful...
Communism is communism without the utopia.
Teleporting is 100% false and cannot happen anyone who believes in it has no understanding in physics wormholes are a bit different because we...
Martin was in better shape he is a 17 yr old street thug who knows many fighting techniques he jumped Zimmerman and started smashing his head into...
He is like Vayne just get a BotRK and you win.
Problem with Marxism is we don't have infinite resources and infinite energy to get and distribute these as well as infinite technology to give to...
Don't buy lanturn in jungle ever its not a good ward its not a good item you need 3 minute wards in their jungle anyways sightstone is a better...
Tryndy is only played well in high elo even in LCS by Voyboy with a decent successrate.
USA is becoming a Fascist state. Marxism is aweful even Marx said so himself that it wasn't feasible in the real world.
Ryze is more then balanced his ulti still makes his strong he just is no longer super overpowered. For a character like Ryze to have a win rate...
Taric sucks late game and early game he is more of a niche pick now there is no reason to pick him over say Lulu, Thresh (except perma banned),...
You are probably in bronze if you can pick Yi every game he is perma banned in diamond/plat. And that build is terrible you have a lanturn and no...
I am a beast with support thresh but sometimes I get a bit too agressive I have had a few unofficial pentakills (stupid tryn ulti or gaurdian...
I win almost 90% in solo q in dia if 2 diamond are playing with 90% win rate in bronze that is terrible.
Border for that gametype/gamemode so you only get a border in 3v3 with this. But won't get it till next season.
I will do it for 30 usd and we will do payment in games (like half payment after half games) Now I am diamond 5.
Finally did it got my Diamond never played ranked till part way through season 3. \o/
Depending on price I could do this I am a plat 1 with 100 LP on my promo match atm I have a few higher plat accounts I am not the best but I am a...
NA is far superior in mechanics we have the best ADC's and we have the best Junglers by far all the mid and top lanes are pretty close what makes...