How much gp do you wish to buy: 70m Email: random_ofmgz@live,com Have you attempted to add my email ( Not yet, about to Agree to...
msn: amount:80m
I'll buy it
I'll buy 70m + OMM fees
I'll buy 70m at .6 + OMM fees
Looking to buy for .60 / .70 per mil. OMM will be used. I'll pay for fees if you sell for .60, you pay if you sell .70 Msn:
I'll buy 50m, but considering the last 2 posts an OMM will be used.
I'll most likely be purchasing around 50m from you with playerauctions a little later tonight(hopefully your on). I added you on msn
Its called e-whoring. The video isn't of
Added you on msn, looking to purchase 50m
I agree not trying to "spam" or anything. The account has only 95m, and isn't even maxed. I don't understand how your getting that much :P....
Gmaulers are recommended to stay at 13 prayer. 60+ attack you should get atleast 44/52 prayer.
That was some nice editing, one thing that kind of threw me off was the different tones of the intro music, and the actual pk clip. Other then...
1 - How much RSGP you want? 10-15m 2 - You go first? Yes 3 - MSN :
Would you use OMM + recovery test?
Already tried both, no one was offering it :S. So now I turn to sythe.
Need to use an altar for about 60 bones. Post here if you'd be willing to let me use
Vouch, bought 10m from him. Very fast and good trade!