Hey, I want to trade my LoL accounts for CS:GO skins or OSRS GP. Have a go with offering ;) Will only go first with trusted people. If you are not...
bump! :)
bump! Cheap ;)
bump!!!! Cheap ;)
Hey, so I want to sell my Global Elite account. It has only CS:GO on it and has around 230 hours. I havent played with it along time ago so its...
Bought 10B ikov. Really great guy. Big vouch!!!
I PM'd you my skype.
Hey, So I am selling my EUW Silver 1 account, I will probably get to gold in some days cause I play with it atm. I accept CSGO skins/keys, OSRS...
Will buy in 1b incriments. Add my skype - le_dafuq Im always online.
Hey, I am buying Ikov GP for OSRS. Rates are 1.2M for 1B. I will not go first cause I trust no one :) I only have 12M so be quick ;)
So this kid is selling others FREE work for PayPal. Thread -...
http://codepen.io/TryHardHusky/full/KdQQVq/ Ban this kid please.