you can use a virtual computer to bypass the computer ban also.
price per mill on BS for paypal please? Thanks.
I'll take some off your hands maybe tonight or tomorrow already have cash at the moment as i bought 400m yesterday from tacolime.
stone how much cash are you after?
Aww QQ thanks anyways!
Buying BSGP for paypal only need $20 worth atm but will buy more in the near future. Have bought / sold cash for other servers already on here...
I'd like $20 worth.. thanks alot.
i wana buy NR cash but... it gets reset soo often
price per bill? looking for a new server to play.. do people stake on it alot?
Added buddy, how much you looking for?
what RSPS is this? got a link please? Thanks.
bump i see smuggles etc for sale, already have one dupe but its slow and tedious.
Hello guys back again since ikov died :-/ time to buy a dupe on a popular server if someone has one for offer or some cheap gp. Thanks.
Well said, it seems very shifty in my eyes...
Added on skype, waiting for you to accept.
So bottom line is use a middleman.
Good luck guys, its not the coding thats hard.. Its the maintenance years ago i had a RSPS named Soul wrath some of you may remeber it.. Used to...
like 950 online at a time on ikov.
vouch sold me bills early so i could start my exploiting :D PS got caught my admins on ikov as my name was the same on here derp. they have been...
you total tool, do a ip check, ive always used the name "Tobbo" and "Smirl" Also known as "TheMedigator" on hackforums.. aint scammed anyone mate...