Are you going first?:yes Amount of Upgrades Needed?:1 What is your MSN/Skype?: dustin.larson16 is my skype Agree to ToS?:yes Will you vouch?:yes
id do it
find one for 500k for me
naww dude.. to poor to pay for omm, but ill be willing to use a trusted mm of your choice
ill buy one 1 month upgrade, you willing to use mm?
around 100 cb, has full void, korasi unlucked, lunars and ancients [IMG]
Vouch! bought 6m rsgp from him! the trade was quick. reccomend this guy to everyone.
i have been looking for 6m rsgp, u posted on my thread saying you would sell for 4$ will you please pm me back, i added you on msn, but your not...
added on skype
what is it that you are looking to buy?
hey i am buying 6m rsgp for 4$ paypal, looking to do it fast and easy trade, going first to trusted
i have a pretty nice one, 55 cb 82 mage 66 str 50 att 1 def 61 hp, i also have a level 47 with 50 att 53 str 70 range 55 hp. pm if interested
have 4$ on my paypal need a little rsgp, post if your willing to sell and your price
bump it up
Terra Firma has reported a private message. Reason:Says hes going to call me, says he installed a RAT into my computer, can i get a ban, i...