Your Discord tag: JustBrew #8745 Your Discord ID:493560618729603075 Other Party's Discord: Jags #4654 Other Party's ID:567159420593635379 Type of...
online pm me on disc :p
Sold 900m ty :d
MM'd 900m ty :D
Type of trade:Gold Sale Value of trade: 900m Buyer Skype/Discord & UNIQUE ID:Management#0001/439136206450589711 Seller Skype/Discord & UNIQUE...
Online and stocked!
online hmu on disc!
online! hmu on discord :d
sold 122m ty for business :d
online and stocked
820m sold ty
sold 233m ty
online hmu on discord :d
online and open for business!
sold 500m ty :d
sold 545m ty for ur business
sold him 150m good dude :d
vouch sold 193m