Accounts from now one with 99~ Hunter are obviously botted. No questions, No comments, and if you say its not your a sad F****** Liar.
Bump... Lotsa copies left guys :]
Not really worth the $30 [seriously], I'll give you $7.50 :]
Wrong section, Mod please move.
Not really a "BEAST" but if you can recover it, what makes us sure that you wont recover it again?
Lonely One has reported a post. Reason:Bumping unnecessarily. Post: Two lvl 99 accounts for sale! (99str & 91str) + RFD and Fire cape! Forum:...
Nice account, Didn't you get banned recently for scamming?
Give us a A/W.
Another thread...? Just use your old one.
OMG, Thank you again, is it me or are all the guides getting released/leaked today?
There's a reason why he did it fool, to help the community about "hiway"'s scamming guides.
Edit, he said he will work something out :]
Dw Hiway, just gonna use Rip's :P
If its 5000% Different why does it still use the GE?
Wow, you really do suck hiway :)
Wait so none of these work... man you suck Hiway lol
Thank You So Much, I Was About To Buy It Lol
How old are these....?
Nice guide, thanks, will be using on my F2P Accounts.
I think, I just puked.