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i have 2.1mil worth of junk and im trying to sell it for rsgp so you tell me how much will you charge me to buy my junk
Its True Happen To Me But Wtf Is Your Point Why You Wasting Time For How Does This Glitch Help In Any Way Kid? Stop Being Over Smart.
CB: 69 attack : 60 Str : 85 Defence : 3 Magic = 94 Range = 70 soon 85+ got zeals Prayer = 31 my style of pking atm barrage + dds....
Vouch GOt me 75 zeals for 3.50$ and we had some ups and downs it didnt go too smooth but still im happy with the zeals so vouch
Hey first to post ! if i want addy gloves on a 1 defence pure ive got mith gloves atm i need addy how mcuh would you charge ? btw you need to get...
Contact Information * MSN: [email protected] * Yahoo: * Skype: * Primary contact method: Sythe private msg Service...
What Service Do You Want? SOULWARS What Levels/Points/Item Do You Want Achieved? 100 points If Using SoulWars or PestControl,: i just want the...