I'm Jagex, I like to waste my own time and make our graphics shitter and shitter, when we could be doing work more productively or not even by...
Domino's is much nicer, and cheap for what you get, why not get that? XD
High, whats the point drinking when your not getting hammered and can't remember what happened, which is still good but you gotta chillax with da...
Loving this twili-- Idea* ;)
You need picture proof of your OWN one, with your Sythe.org username in the picture, or some staff will lock it. :s
Seeing as this is exactly what I was gonna say.... This.
Wouldn't mind a PM too, interested.
I guess mines obvious, joined to trade FUT coins but now offer questing and mw3 service, and sell other stoof.
Obviously a fake vouch.
Too many people will get them and it will always be the popular people like yourself winning, maybe every 3 months and a miscellaneous way of...
I know! We had some bad connection, was gonna complain but I saw you had bad connection too in killcams, we both had low profiles that game haha,...
^2 Days left or you win (whoever wins will pay the cost of postage).
GT 1: Bible Quote http://gyazo.com/ca944457f74c719b1cef62bdd4060fa8 GT 2: Bible Chapter http://gyazo.com/9d8c8c38b1adba446e17e4db57342e6e...
Done, I'll PM you.
Nope, Linkage sells cheaper than that and he is undoubtedly one of the most trusted fifa sellers on sythe.
No Thanks, They're £3.50 in game. http://www.game.co.uk/en/xbox-live-marketplace-400-points-142789?pageSize=20&searchTerm=400 Convert that to...
Does this mean I'm through first round?