He changed his mind, you currently have the highest offer.
Someone currently offered autowin but if the trade doesn't go through today you'll have the highest offer. Selling the account by the weekend.
Psuedo fry currently has the highest offer with 200M 07 (it's more than $300 at current prices). Autowin remains at 300M.
Bump. Current highest offer $300. Decided to add autowin: 300M OSRS GP.
Not sure if you're joking...
I have the perfect account for you:...
Not doing autowins. Highest offer wins.
I'm the original owner, selling it because I'm way too busy in real life and I don't have enough time to play this game seriously anymore. I have...
Vouching for this guy, fast trade and friendly personality.
Looking to sell for 1.8, pm me if interested.
Bump. Currently swapping.
Xeres has reported a post. Reason:http://www.sythe.org/gold-swapping-services/1843865-fire-swap-cc-swapping-rs3-07-zerodragon.html Same...
Currently swapping! Buying RS3 for 07 best rates on Sythe.
Sold him rsgp, very fast and friendly, will definitely use him again!
Ok then >.> was gonna sell for 1.8 though
Add me on Skype: Athemoe
I can sell 10M at 1.8
Sold him 15M. Super friendly guy, would definitely recommend.
I'm currently selling the name "Circlezerk" which is a play on Circlejerk. The only thing I'm accepting is RSGP, I'm not accepting real money....