Vouch, bought an upgrade. Quick and easy trade, great guy!
Agree To Terms : Yes Msn : Daiily@[email protected] Number of Upgrades : 1
Vouch. bought a upgrade for 15m, went first.
Desired Amount of GP: 40m Willing to deal through PlayerAuctions (yes/no):yes MSN: [email protected]
Interested in buying 95m. Added on msn, [email protected]
Interested in selling some RSGP. Added on msn. ([email protected])
Gold wanted: 100m Preferred payment method (PP/PA/MB/MAIL): PP/PA (Either) Do you agree to go first or to use PA? : yes to both MSN: [email protected]
How much u want to buy: 75m What payment method : Paypal Will u go first: yes Msn: Daiily@Hacking.(RS) *Sythe censors my msn*
Interested in 100m. [email protected]
Gold requested: 100-150m Skype name: msn?.
HUGE vouch for piramid, I went first buying an upgrade, super easy trade.
i added you, my msn is [email protected] EDIT: No need to be a prick, alright there tough guy?
Added on msn.
November 23, soon enough. :D
Huge vouch for oxodium. I sold him 200m via paypal, I went first and he paid right away. Great trader.
Sold oxodium 200m! I went first, easy and fast trade! Thanks!
Sold oxodium 200m! I went first, easy and fast trade! Thanks!!
More than likely as much as you would like to buy.
I can sell. MSN: [email protected]
Hey sythe, welcome to my RSGP shop. I strive to be the most reliable and cheapest gold salesman on the scene, and I have never had any unhappy...