MSN - You got it ;) Price - $16 Skills Wanted str, range Starting level - 20-1 Ending level -70, 70
Vouch for bb_27, trained my attack and strength a bit:) Cheers
Hi, I'll add you for some combat training. thanks ;)
MSN - [email protected] Price - Free :) Skills Wanted- Strength and attack to lvl 30 Starting level -1, 1 Ending level -30, 30 Cheers bud
Hi, I'd like you to train my attack and strength. 1-20 attack 1-20 strength Let me know if you'll take the job. Cheers!
I'll buy one for $10. Send me a pm if you're interested.
Hey will you make a new account and get 40 attack and 40 str on it please? - Will vouch ofcourse. Thanks.
Vouch for kourti, got a torso on my 115 main with 40m+ bank, didn't touch anything! No idea why he got banned, great guy.
Vouch for killa13, did a firecape on my main, trusted him with 40m+ but he didn't touch anything! Thanks.
Vouch for Noob0012, sold me a 76k trick.
Hi, I'd like to order 10mill goldfarmed. (I'm talking to you on msn now) Cheers