Sythe names: frostpoprs & Ash AR Type of trade: rsgp for rs account Your Skype: live:frostpoprs Other party's Skype: live:raohouse95 Trade...
Could be interested, pmed
Thanks for offer. Looking for a bit more :)
Hey everyone , I am selling this max main account today lvl 123 with some great stats for you to start bossing with Any other questions just...
Add me on Skype or Disc and I will send pictures, working right now so can't change; Rob- Stons#3853
Bump, bank is down to 25m.. Still has all untradeables though
Have had multiple offers, nothing worked out. still for sale.
sold me 83m tyvm!
Bought 100m Via PA. spoke on Disc went smooth, great trader A+ TY
Sold me his Main . I went first using LTC. all smooth so far :)
Hi Mods/Admins. I was looking today to buy an account and came across a post that looked fishy to begin with so I decided to do some detective...
Application form your skype or discord ID: live:frostpoprs Other trader's Skype or discord ID: axed99 Are you the buyer or seller?: buyer What...