you don't have any proof
umm, my yahoo isnt working atm just pm me if your interested.
Oh yeh he does have recovery questions but i don't know them i put random stuff so i could get the 10k lol + i made recov questions like 8 months ago.
how much is a membership worth for 1 month?
I offer my lvl 67 rock-shell ddser
Well you said 1 defence but i got a ddser with 62 att 61 str 58 ranged 40 def (rockshell pure) with mm done lost city done mountain daughter done...
w8 ill bump up my offer a little not much lol but with my first offer +a lvl 21 ranger/prayer with 30 ranged and 22 prayer.
Ill offer a level 42 with 52 str 40 attck 41 ranged and 6 defence (accident) down side to that has like nothing on him.
4m? ???
I don't realy have any account's that could do BH to get the 2m.
umm, idk lets see if theres any better offers.
Hi this is Void n range and i am trying to sell my range/mage pure. He is level 52 combat. stats- [IMG][/URL][/IMG] What he is currently...
Lol i got 70 ranged at level 47.
umm i have some names i like atleast d0n3 alr3ady 0 W N D F TW g l nvm 0wnd l0lz safe up clearly ded w c pure k0 a r m p i ts...
Warrior my yahoo account isnt working what was your offer??
Any other offers??
what level main you looking for?
umm, ive got this level 42 id be willing to give up level 52 str 40 att 41 ranged 50 hp and 5 def.
Umm ive got a level 3 still in tut with name O W N D F TW
:) 62 attack 60 strength 40 defence 58 ranged 43 magic 27 prayer 60hp 35 agility 43 crafting 33 fletching 22 thieving 38 fishing 39...