you really did a nigga like this, I see. Include this in the report FUCK SHIN
Also wanna add on that i'm a legitimate player who plays runescape for the fun of it and for the legitimacy of the game. I'm acceptable of rwting...
Wanna remind you that all discord messages were posted in the sythe discord in the spam channel meaning everything that laika said there could be...
My partner denied that the twitter account is not attached to him in the SPAM FORUM which means that IT DOESNT MATTER because he wrote it in the...
Has absolutely nothing to do with Laika since he doesnt run the Social media accounts.
Link the current Sythe account: @Gun Which violation you are reporting the user for: Leaked a picture of a member (@BEAST) also threathned to dox...
Sure, i'll admit that is my twitter account but it's not impersonating because both me and laika own the website "". My tweet was an...
Also, i'm going to tell the fanaccount now to remove the post. Also how would this even be classified as "Impersonation" when both me and laika...
Not to mention that on my 1MoreChromosome account I post everything that trolls people lol.
Not our twitter account sorry, the 1MoreChromosome is my account and that is a fanaccount. Sorry.
who u vading
Banned me with fake evidence w/e This is not the place to argue.
Lie more buddy, i'm back and alive again but obviously whale moderators like you partake in dickriding so you were bias to BEAST.