MSN: [email protected] How many are you buying : 1 or 2 I'll go first I Will vouch
MSN/Skype: [email protected] Amount of upgrades: 1 or 2 Will you add vouch? YES
vouch from me, i bought a pin again..for like the 20th time ! excellent service as always :3
bought 3 pins, vouch from me :)
Msn:[email protected] Amount of upgrades:2 Agree to TOS:yes Will u vouch after trade?:yes
vouch bought the pin from him <3
Msn:[email protected] Amount of upgrades: 1 Agree to TOS:YES Will u vouch after trade?:YEs
vouch from me :) bought pin went really fast :D, 100% legit :3
added u on msn : Dr4gun@hot
VOUCH FROM MEE!!!! bought over like... 6 pins ?
ill buy but would u show it in game first? as in duel me food on?
LOL did u just say its poorly written...? dude look at all the screenys rofflllll... how come .... u obviously never lured before.. if you ever...