He's already been banned. Too bad though, it seems someone was scammed by his hacker.
Less overpowered now that they remade him with a shitty invi lol. I remember the time when he could go 50 second invi at max level lol. Now THAT...
No, he said that he never emailed "THOSE" accounts, not that he never emailed ANYONE. >_<...
Savitar has reported a post. Reason:Wrong forum Post: Beware of xSwagMaster420! Skype: stevenz1337 Forum: LoL Services Assigned Moderators:...
Sorry for your loss mate, but please post this here to get him banned: http://www.sythe.org/report-scammer/ Please include his Skype ID and the...
Savitar has reported a post. Reason:Bumping after 4 hours. Post: Selling Super Rare name Forum: Name Sales Assigned Moderators: Gohan,...
http://www.sythe.org/report-spammer-archive/1549355-reported-post-universalhacks.html#post12079104 His Skype is hacked.
Savitar has reported a post. Reason:Accusing of scam w/o proof Post: Ssgp For Sale!!! Forum: Runescape Private Server Markets Assigned...
Savitar has reported a post. Reason:Spam Post: Selling account 200LVL 2320 total cheap! Forum: Characters: Levels 150 - 200 Assigned...
New account: http://www.sythe.org/members/373458-bravooscardelta.html Old account: http://www.sythe.org/members/300119-irestrictedi.html...