Lonely One has reported a post. Reason:Quadruple bumping. Post: Zak_rs2's Botting Services [Paypal/Mail] Forum: Skill Training Assigned...
"The requirements are very very little and requires almost as many clicks as regular alching." If this is picking up something while alching, it...
Umm, You havent sent me anything. Rest of you added. I'll be doing sales at a lower price, since new year is on >.<
Please tell me the attack/strength, if its not to high, I'll post an offer
Hmm, you haven't yet? So what happens when you do?
My guide -.- rofl, it says COPYRIGHT. or are you blind?
Lonely One has reported a post. Reason:Spamming unnecessarily Post: [paypal]Selling a ranger with 99 range Forum: Characters: Levels 60-138...