hi mod andy, can you please accept my friend request on discord relating to the btc payment. [Removed temporarily]
Hello I was asked to create a new thread titled merged, providing screenshots of my skype between myself and user 'Colmsweeney9'. As shown in...
Your profile link:https://www.sythe.org/members/geordant.422007/ All of your Sythe Accounts:Only this one. Report/post/reason that got you...
Could I please get an update on this thread. I have disputed the reason I received the TWC.
And yes. I recall this individual Feidhm selling the account I sold him and scamming with it. Which is how he got banned in the first place. This...
Note his intentional screenshots to leave out the fact that this account has been in his safe possession for about 3 years now. Further more the...
@BlackBlasses I just saw this post. This was an account I sold 3 years ago. Which he claims was hijacked two months ago? Has absolutely no...
hey guys. Havent been on this site in a very long time and am wondering why I have a non market user badge? Never had any scam instances or...
please inbox me a reasonable price