I will be paying him back today! I have to do some transfers before doing so.
Ok I'll get this payment sorted. I currently am trying to get $10 because I spent what I had on food. I will update the post once sent
After reading all of the messages, I see I did NOT mention that he cannot login to his main account. I was doing my best to [cover up] how my...
Hey friend I see you have been scammed twice now, add our team on discord Lit/dearlola1#3042
That's understandable @Zora as mentioned I am not here to take from this man or scam at all. Just want to clear this up. Thought I had made it a...
Scammer's profile link: samoT Amount scammed: $10.00 Discord ID + Unique Discord ID: ImTomas#8513 390138860190826507 Proof that it's their...
Give out team a add on discord Lit/dearlola1#3042
99 agility hard core w/ pet Lit/dearlola1#3042