@E3lite Imgur https://imgur.com/a/QuK2nNk\ They are also in my sythe post for my fire capes and infernal service
Chill out i will fix when I get home from class
im still on discord fuck face
What do i exactly think im getting away with??? your account is made today...... ur accusing me of being skkullomon under what fucking...
The only time ive used sythe is from my computer at home and from my iphone at school which was using verizon service good fucking try tho buddy
@FUD You are clearly dumb sir you are taking little observations and turning it into some huge spectacle saying im skullomon???? i rented from...
what?? how does this at all prove that im skullomon? you clearly dont have any hard evidence on me. because first off i dont know what a fucking...
what? @FUD