ChrisColpitts' 2nd UE Application PENDING

Discussion in 'Archives' started by ChrisCol, Aug 2, 2010.

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ChrisColpitts' 2nd UE Application PENDING
  1. Unread #1 - Aug 2, 2010 at 3:23 PM
  2. ChrisCol
    Jan 1, 2009
    Sythe Gold:
    Discord Username:
    chris sythe#0988
    Tier 1 Prizebox

    ChrisCol Formerly known as ChrisColpitts
    $25 USD Donor

    ChrisColpitts' 2nd UE Application PENDING




    "I ChrisColpitts, claim that the guides I have included in my application are completely my own work. They were made using my own knowledge and I have not plagiarized another person's work. I accept that if my guides are found to be plagiarized, even partially, I will be forumbanned from User Education indefinitely."


    Welcome to my UE application, I'd like to say thank you for anyone who has taken there time to review this thread or any of my guides. I feel as though i should be a user educator because I would use this as my way to give back to sythe. I will be a very active UE and will continue to post guides when i come up with something i feel will benefit the community. I enjoy helping other and am always looking to learn my self. I will also do my best to ensure i keep up the high reputation of the UE forum by being polite and helping others not only in the UE section but throughout sythe in general.

    My name is Chris (as you may have guessed). I am 17 years old and going in to the 12th grade. As for after school i plan on going to university and studying criminology. After recieving a degree in criminology i plan on joining the RCMP where i will most likely go into the Major Crimes Unit . I enjoy all the sections of sythe, the runescape forum is where i am probably most active but i have recently quit runescape and i am finding that the off-topic section of the site is where i find most enjoyable. When i can i like to try and help people, which is why i feel i will do great as a User Educator.

    These are just a quick few, I'd add more but my app is getting rather long :p

    Any suggestions in the above quotes or on my guides in general have been taken into consideration and used to better my guide.

    After being declined i decided i would spend some more time in the forums and wait awhile before i re-applied because the first time i feel as though i rushed into my application. I wrote all of my guides within a few days of each other and was excited about the EU team i did not put much into my application. After spending some time away from the UE section i have decided to re-turn and hopefully have improved my application. I am still very excited about the EU team and hope to one day soon be apart of it.

    1.How to bypass registering on websites
    2.How to read "tabulature" for guitar
    .How to verify your paypal account
    4.How to transfer songs from pc to pc via your Ipod
    5.How to complete a sucessful job interview.

    Once again thank you for reviewing my application, i hope my guides have/will help you.​
  3. Unread #2 - Aug 3, 2010 at 8:39 PM
  4. Hahanerd
    Jul 25, 2009
    Sythe Gold:
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    Former OMM Pool Shark (2) Detective Two Factor Authentication User Nitro Booster In Memory of Jon Rio 2016 Community Participant

    Hahanerd - RSGP & Crypto Betting
    Retired Global Moderator Cracker Head Mudkips $100 USD Donor

    ChrisColpitts' 2nd UE Application PENDING

    Your application looks good. A couple of your guides needs to be more extended, meaning more information, and more in-depth information. Everything else looks good. Good luck on your application.
  5. Unread #3 - Aug 3, 2010 at 8:44 PM
  6. ChrisCol
    Jan 1, 2009
    Sythe Gold:
    Discord Username:
    chris sythe#0988
    Tier 1 Prizebox

    ChrisCol Formerly known as ChrisColpitts
    $25 USD Donor

    ChrisColpitts' 2nd UE Application PENDING

    Thank you, before writing my next guide i will expand and go into more detail on my current guides.
  7. Unread #4 - Aug 3, 2010 at 9:23 PM
  8. xeleration
    Jun 18, 2009
    Sythe Gold:

    xeleration Grand Master

    ChrisColpitts' 2nd UE Application PENDING

    I think you could empower all of your guides by including how and why each guide works. For example the first guide: explaining what kind of site is and how it works as well as where the login information comes from is key information the reader might want to know. It's also a good idea to include potential risks that the reader might be taking.
  9. Unread #5 - Aug 4, 2010 at 7:27 AM
  10. ChrisCol
    Jan 1, 2009
    Sythe Gold:
    Discord Username:
    chris sythe#0988
    Tier 1 Prizebox

    ChrisCol Formerly known as ChrisColpitts
    $25 USD Donor

    ChrisColpitts' 2nd UE Application PENDING

    Thanks for your input, i have beem wondering about additional information i could include in my guides and this will definitely help.
  11. Unread #6 - Aug 4, 2010 at 8:51 AM
  12. Rhodesy
    Dec 13, 2009
    Sythe Gold:

    Rhodesy Guru
    $25 USD Donor

    ChrisColpitts' 2nd UE Application PENDING

    Hey. For your first guide I think it's an helpful guide, and would help me in the future, the pictures are good sized, I guess saying copy the URL of sythe then putting imdb could be quite confusing, but it's nothing major really. I've spell checked it and there are no spelling errors, well done.
    You should really centre the text, and I'm not really fond with the green. Also for the title I'd personally use something more flamboyant but suitable with the forum skin, yellow for example and bring it down one. Underline the steps as well.

    Now for the actual guide, I'm honestly not really keen with these type of guides, it's just really telling someone to go onto a website, and put the URL in, which is self-explanatory. It's not a strong guide for your application if I'm honest. Good attempt though, thanks.

    For your second guide, I actually learned a lot from this guide. I'm buying a guitar soon and this helped me what all these numbers and stuff mean on the tabulature. Good use of colours, try centering all the text and pics. Also mess around with different font sizes and fonts.
    "You would then strum twice leave a pause and play the next set of notes."
    I think I know what a strum is, it's when you just play a string while not holding anything down, but people who are very new to the guitar would have no clue what this is, explain what a strum is.

    I think this guide is lacking pictures to be honest. I know you've created your explainations with your own with text, and thats good, because you can explain it better without looking for pictures. However it might need a few more to make it more interesting and appealing. No spelling mistakes I've seen so thats good. Overall it;s an good guide and is helpful, thanks for making it.

    For the paypal verify one it's a quite helpful guide. To verify your paypal is a quite important thing to do. However there is a step by step on which does tell you how to, but this guide does I guess explains in detail and which credit cards to use etc, which is good.

    'will be a code that is included on your bill' I wouldn't really call the bank statement a bill. I'd mention how long it takes for the bank statement to come. It's dependant on activity of your account I think, and it took me three months, because I didn't add, or remove money for my bank for a while.
    Double colon I saw. "Using your card online::" Remove one.

    When you've put:
    Go to and click "sign up"
    I'd just make text saying something like 'here' for example then add the link there as it doesn't;t look very appealing. Here is a guide how to which I made.

    Center the text. Good use of colours as well, very flamboyant and interesting. I would add pictures of the screen telling you to add the two money units you received on your bill. I'd add more pictures generally as well.
    The guide isn't bad, good attempt. I just feel it's quite unnecessary since paypal tells you how to do it on their website.

    For your last guide the iPod one it's a good guide, probably your strongest one. It's not one of those guides in which most people generally know, which I like.
    I read the guide, and I didn't really understand how you explained how you transferred from one pc to the another, you've clearly explained how to skip itunes, just not the other. You need to add colour to make it interesting, and center the text. Great use of pictures, and they are just the right size, well done. I would underline the steps as well. No spelling mistakes which is good, throughout all your guides there has been none, which is a good addition which the user education looks at.

    You could explain the benefits doing this. Overall it's a good guide though. Best of luck on your application.
  13. Unread #7 - Aug 4, 2010 at 6:16 PM
  14. i noob killer i
    Feb 29, 2008
    Sythe Gold:

    i noob killer i Grand Master
    $5 USD Donor

    ChrisColpitts' 2nd UE Application PENDING

    Very good Guide Its A bit Simple But goodluck.
  15. Unread #8 - Aug 4, 2010 at 9:26 PM
  16. ChrisCol
    Jan 1, 2009
    Sythe Gold:
    Discord Username:
    chris sythe#0988
    Tier 1 Prizebox

    ChrisCol Formerly known as ChrisColpitts
    $25 USD Donor

    ChrisColpitts' 2nd UE Application PENDING

    Thanks Rhodesy, I really appreciate your feedback, i will be sure to use all of your advice in improving my guides. As to all your comments i replied to them on the appropriate guides :)

    Thank you :) but would you mind stating which guide? :p
  17. Unread #9 - Aug 11, 2010 at 4:49 PM
  18. ChrisCol
    Jan 1, 2009
    Sythe Gold:
    Discord Username:
    chris sythe#0988
    Tier 1 Prizebox

    ChrisCol Formerly known as ChrisColpitts
    $25 USD Donor

    ChrisColpitts' 2nd UE Application PENDING

    I've taken the suggestions towards my guides into consideration and edited the accordingly, thanks for the feedback!
    I am currently working on my 5th guide
  19. Unread #10 - Aug 11, 2010 at 5:49 PM
  20. ChrisCol
    Jan 1, 2009
    Sythe Gold:
    Discord Username:
    chris sythe#0988
    Tier 1 Prizebox

    ChrisCol Formerly known as ChrisColpitts
    $25 USD Donor

    ChrisColpitts' 2nd UE Application PENDING

    Updated with my 5th guide :)
  21. Unread #11 - Aug 11, 2010 at 10:27 PM
  22. R33l2r3al
    Jul 7, 2007
    Sythe Gold:

    R33l2r3al Grand Master
    $5 USD Donor Retired Global Moderator

    ChrisColpitts' 2nd UE Application PENDING

    Your application is now pending. Good luck.
  23. Unread #12 - Aug 21, 2010 at 11:21 AM
  24. HeavenLord
    Dec 16, 2007
    Sythe Gold:

    HeavenLord ujean

    ChrisColpitts' 2nd UE Application PENDING

    I am sorry to inform you that your application has been denied, please feel free to apply again in the near future.

    If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to PM either Dalpra or I.
  25. Unread #13 - Aug 27, 2010 at 6:57 PM
  26. ChrisCol
    Jan 1, 2009
    Sythe Gold:
    Discord Username:
    chris sythe#0988
    Tier 1 Prizebox

    ChrisCol Formerly known as ChrisColpitts
    $25 USD Donor

    ChrisColpitts' 2nd UE Application PENDING

    I've edited my application and hopefully made some good changes appearance wise, i decided not to go all out as i don't really have an eye for design and would most likely make it look bad :p I've also added in a few new sections to my App.
  27. Unread #14 - Aug 28, 2010 at 5:49 PM
  28. HeavenLord
    Dec 16, 2007
    Sythe Gold:

    HeavenLord ujean

    ChrisColpitts' 2nd UE Application PENDING

    Your application is pending, good luck!
  29. Unread #15 - Aug 29, 2010 at 11:51 PM
  30. HeavenLord
    Dec 16, 2007
    Sythe Gold:

    HeavenLord ujean

    ChrisColpitts' 2nd UE Application PENDING

    Your application has been accepted, congratulations!

    You'll receive your rank and permissions shortly.
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