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Frequently Asked Questions

What's your question about?

What donation methods do you accept?

Please visit the Make a Donation section to see what donation methods we currently accept.

Where does the money go?

Donations benefit of course! Servers are expensive! Did you know is spread accross many different servers to handle all of our users?

Is it safe to send money by mail?

For the most part, yes. If you choose to donate by mail, you should wrap the money in paper or put it in a greeting card to keep it hidden while in transit. is not responsible for anything lost in the mail.

Can I donate a currency besides US Dollars?

Yes and no. Our donations system records all transactions in US Dollars. If you donate using a currency other than USD, your payment will be converted to USD prior to being recorded.

Can I have my donation back?

Unfortunately, donations are non-refundable. Once a donation is deposited, there isn't any way to get it back.

Do donations add up over time?

Yes! If you donate $5 and then later donate another $20, you will be a $25 donor.

What happens if I reverse a PayPal donation?

Per the rules, reversing a donation is grounds for a permanent ban.

Why doesn't the amount on my rank match what I have donated?

This usually happens with high end donors. The highest standard rank we have is for $300 Donors. If you donate over $300 and want your rank to say the exact amount you have donated, you will need to submit a Custom Rank request.

Why don't I see my rank when I post?

You may need to go to the Rank Manager and select a donation rank.

Why can't I use legacy donation ranks?

Legacy donation ranks are only available to users who donated before July 1, 2010. If your oldest donation is AFTER this date, you are not eligible for legacy ranks. If you are eligible for legacy ranks, they will appear in the Rank Manager.

I have an old rank, can I switch to a new one?

Yes. To switch your rank please use the Rank Manager.

I have a new rank, can I switch to an old one?

If you're eligible for legacy ranks, you can switch between new and old ranks at any time. See the FAQ item above entitled "Why can't I use legacy donation ranks?" for more information about legacy ranks.

If I have an old rank and donate more, what rank will I get?

If you have an old rank and donate more, you will get one of the new ranks. You can, however, use the Rank Manager to switch back to an old rank.

How long does it take to get my rank?

That depends on how you donate. PayPal donations directly to are near instant. Other methods like Western Union and by Mail can take a few days.

Can I be a donation bond holder?

If you'd like to be a donation bond holder, you need to contact Matthew. We are not always accepting new bonds, but you can check. Simply message Matthew explaining that you'd like to start a bond and which payment method you would like to accept on our behalf. If you don't get a response we probably aren't accepting new bonds.

How are bond holders chosen?

There isn't an exact list of requirements for being a bond holder. We generally check things like how long you've been a member, your infractions, if you've been banned, and how active you are in the community.

How does a donation bond work?

A donation bond is pretty simple. Here's how bonds usually work:

  1. You send us a payment to establish a bond balance.
  2. You accept donations from users using whatever payment method you like.
  3. As users donate to you, you log their payments in our donations system and the amount is deducted from your bond balance.

What happens if I'm inactive?

If you're inactive for an extended period of time your bond might be disabled. Bonds are an important service to our users and need to be available. So, if your bond service isn't responsive, we will remove yours to make room for someone else. If you have credit left, we'll message you asking if you want it applied to your account or to someone else's.

Can I charge a fee for my bond service?

Yes, you can. It's up to you how to structure and operate your bond. However, you must make your terms (including any fees) clear to users on your bond thread. For example, you may want to list your fee (assuming it's a flat fee) or list some example donation amounts and their costs.

What happens if I get banned?

If you get banned, your bond will be disabled. If you have any credit left, it will be applied to your account so your bond has a $0 balance.

Can my bond have a negative balance?

For the most part, no. Some bonds which have been established for a while and have proven to be reliable may be given a tolerance. This means that the bond can log more donations than it has credit for, meaning the bond balance will be negative. However, you are responsible for bringing the balance back to or above $0.

How do I close my bond?

To request your bond be closed, please message Matthew. If you have credit left, let him know if you want it applied to your account or someone else's.

I have credit left, can I get a refund?

Unfortunately no. We do not allow refunds for donations or bond payments. If you have credit left, you can apply it to your own account or give it away to others.

What's the difference between ranks and MiniRanks?

Ranks are full size rank icons which generally appear near your name. These ranks are made up of three icons with text above them. Ranks can be for staff, donors, official position holders, or just for fun. MiniRanks are small ranks made up of one icon with no text. These ranks appear near your user information and can either be awarded by an admin or earned by meeting certain criteria.

I should have a specific MiniRank, why don't I?

Are you sure you should have it? Many automated MiniRanks require you to maintain certain amounts of activity to keep them. If you lost a rank, you probably did not maintain the required amount of activity.

What MiniRanks are available?

Click here to visit the MiniRank directory.

I know I posted enough for a specific MiniRank, why don't I have it?

MiniRank Automation scripts run once per day. These scripts update MiniRanks for every user and add/remove MiniRanks as necessary. You may have earned a MiniRank but you will need to wait for the script to run before it will be awarded.

Do subforums count for MiniRank post quotas?

Yes and no. In some sections, subforums also count towards MiniRank post quotas. In others, they do not.

What does it mean if a MiniRank is stackable?

This means you can have more than one of that MiniRank. So, if you have three of a stackable MiniRank, you could trade one to another user and have two left (assuming the MiniRank is also tradeable).

What's a Prizebox?

Think of Prizeboxes like a party popper. Each Prizebox can contain a whole bunch of different MiniRanks. When you redeem a Prizebox, you'll get one of the MiniRanks it contains.

How do I get a Prizebox?

That depends on the type of Prizebox. We have different types of Prizeboxes which are earned in different ways. We award generic Sythe Prizeboxes for higher level donors.

How do I get a generic Sythe Prizebox by donating?

To get a generic Sythe Prizebox, you must be a $100+ donor and then donate an additional $50 or more. You'll get a Sythe Prizebox for every additional $50 you donate. So, if you're a $100 donor and donate $100, you'll get two Sythe Prizeboxes! Please note that the additional $50 must be in the form of a $50+ donation. If you donate $30 and then $20, you will not get a Sythe Prizebox.

How do I redeem a Prizebox?

Simple visit the Prizeboxes page in the Perks section here.

Can I sell/trade Prizeboxes?

Yup! Prizeboxes are actually tradeable MiniRanks and behave as such. Visit the MiniRank Trading section to trade them.

How do I know a roll was fair?

Simple, you can use this utility to check the computations behind a roll. The post ID can be found by hovering over the post's date/time permalink. The dice index is the roll number. As in, if the post only contains one roll, the index is 1. If you want to verify the third roll in a post, the index is 3.

What are the past and future precommitment values?

This is a SHA256 hash of the seed used by the server to generate dicing results. Values for the past 20 minutes and 20 minutes into the future are listed here.

Time Type Value
Fri Mar 14 18:10:00 2025 Past 286e8788c4b2d59a38fb2858a082be42f33e23ee8d6f99e181843d913d3b12c0
Fri Mar 14 18:15:00 2025 Past e3a8f97f6eb91e960af26ed2621f4b8afff37ba985d80cd66a4db0562ab2ca2e
Fri Mar 14 18:20:00 2025 Past 156981091b5b53c2517d6683b8d08a18c1e638d7d4d4281d22dd9b2e5fd07ec9
Fri Mar 14 18:25:00 2025 Past 10de42fe1294363188b2eadcb330008acc30c9ca7a8faf95d03e23a00c81634f
Fri Mar 14 18:30:00 2025 Past 0cbe80749a00e084bcc5c6d104708df176fecec40674dac995b10b5e50156fad
Fri Mar 14 18:35:00 2025 Future 2256e0669d642ff9dc9bb48e93f6f2d6f75f9ffabb0c43c705e14fac02071515
Fri Mar 14 18:40:00 2025 Future 97cf463ed4e53179f082913e5bbde7ee1af8a9f113937b695f9285b6be024a06
Fri Mar 14 18:45:00 2025 Future 42947401890b9678257ec3556db2427ce32a9902b2a6921a000a4ed51410f9da
Fri Mar 14 18:50:00 2025 Future bb6c9666e906956dc483ee9f607f01b78e18480d27d7831acb556724de4bbdb4

Have a question that isn't listed? Message Matthew on the forum