VeqzeR requesting a pardon for image altering on PlayerAuctions dispute

Discussion in 'Dispute Forum Archive' started by VeqzeR, Aug 14, 2020.

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VeqzeR requesting a pardon for image altering on PlayerAuctions dispute
  1. Unread #1 - Aug 14, 2020 at 2:23 PM
  2. VeqzeR
    Jul 2, 2011
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    VeqzeR Member

    VeqzeR requesting a pardon for image altering on PlayerAuctions dispute

    Your profile link: VeqzeR

    All of your Sythe Accounts: @VeqzeR @Nokzide

    Report/post/reason that got you banned: altering images of disputes so it would look like i was a banned PA buyer, instead of a banned PA seller to reduce suspicion.

    Proof of contacting victims for repayment or repayment of victims: N/A

    Anything you weren't banned for but want to confess to now: N/A

    Detailed description of the events that took place and why you think we should forgive you:

    Hi - the account in question was previously sold on PlayerAuctions, i won both of the disputes shown, the reason for altering images is because i have had 3 people interested in the advertisement on Sythe recently, and since the login name nokzide@****** (account login) shows my nokzide Sythe account which shows the account being linked to PA. It looks very much like i sold the account on PA, took it back, and am reselling it. While this is not the case, the link from Sythe to PA makes it impossible to have a successful trade while having no reputation.

    PA dispute #1:
    PA dispute #2:

    I heard nothing from this guy for 2 years, and out of the blue he put in a dispute: he says: "In all honesty yes the dispute is pretty late but Its because I had this dispute open but never sent it for 2 years. (Since else I wouldn't even be able to make a dispute)".
    I asked PA to look into this (via live chat when they still had it back then) and they told me he only put in appeal then, not 2 years ago.

    2019-04-20 20:33:23 (UTC)
    You're such a dickhead. I don't care about the account all I wanted was for you to recover it back but since you don't look at your dm's this was the only way. You can keep it and the money but legit the worst person to deal with.

    I was unwilling to help because it seemed so strange that he would randomly put in a dispute after 2 years and ask me to recover it for him all the while claiming i had recovered it after 2 weeks, then why was the dispute not until 2 years after the sale. It seems he had sold the account and was unable to recover it back on his buyer, so he wanted me to do it for him, he claimed to leave a negative feedback but the feedback left was positive. The dispute closed before i could respond to this message (as seen at the top of the dispute page, PA closed the dispute in my favour).
    Yet still at this time on dispute closure, me and his were banned from the website.

    "I lost access to the account 2 weeks after having thats why I left a negative review saying that you most likely recovered the account."

    He says this to which i replied with:

    You said
    2019-04-18 18:07:39 (UTC)
    "Hi, You said "I lost access to the account 2 weeks after having thats why I left a negative review saying that you most likely recovered the account."
    Imgur Yet as can be seen above, you left a positive feedback, with a description of "good". I'm very confused with this dispute so i'm going to escalate it because i don't see a winning way for either of us here. You seemingly had no issues, left a positive feedback, and now two years later are claiming foul play and saying you left feedback stating that i recovered the account, when you actually left a positive review stating "good".

    As i said, i am very confused with this case, so i'm going to escalate it to PA.

    The feedback for the sale had never changed from positive, this was blatant lying which is why i escalated the case to PA MYSELF, PA could clearly see this person was acting fraudulent which is why the dispute ended in my favour. It wasn't until after that i recovered the account (as he didn't confirm if he did sell it, yet told me to just take it back).

    The reason i altered the images is because the account login name (nokzide@*******) links to my scythe account (nokzide) which i made when i lost access to this one (veqzer), but when you look and see the nokzide Sythe account link to the PA sale, it seems like i had been in the wrong, but i wasn't, the account has been in my ownership since being told to retrieve it, i was told by the buyer to just take it back, so i did. And we both went our separate ways.

    As mentioned, after the dispute, both our PA accounts were banned (even though it was closed in my favour), so i was never able to contact him again and ended up moving on.

    Reasoning for PA ban - which makes no sense considering they ruled in my favour regarding the dispute.

    In hindsight it was pretty stupid to alter images to keep this coming to light, but as you can hopefully see it was an impossible situation on PA at the time. He opened a dispute after 2 years and claimed he left negative feedback after 2 weeks but never did, lying like that is likely the reason PA ruled in my favour.

    As for the other dispute, (coggerlou), it speaks for itself as the buyer was the person who requested the dispute be closed in my favour and the negative feedback was removed by PA:

    Again, altering images because i assume being an account seller with a status of suspension on PA would lead to trust issues on Sythe. As conceded previously - altering the images for this reason was not warranted or fair.

    There was no ill-will meant for any perspective buyer, and i apologise if it seems so.

    I hate to see people ripped off, i know how it feels, i had an account i purchased on PA get recovered on my birthday. While i concede altering images yesterday to prevent unwarranted suspicion isn't right, i always did what i could to conduct fair business both here and on PA, it was a mistake that i didn't realise i was making until i already had. I just wanted to abolish any suspicion, it was a genuine advertisement of sale which has been ongoing due to low reputation and i wanted to finally have it sold and forgotten about.

    A previous PA account sale from 2016: - I always did what i could to resolved any issues my trading partners had.

    This Sythe user was scammed recently to whom i issued some advice:

    I tried to add to this community - not take from it

    As i expect this status to stand, i am posting this only to vindicate myself and explain the reasons of why i did what i did, not to request or expect a pardon.

    People in this community are vehemently paranoid, i just didn't want closed disputes from years ago to conflict with being able to successfully trade here today.

    Did you fully read and follow this sticky thread in the pardon section?: Yes

    Previous pardon link(s) if applicable: N/A

    Kind regards,
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2020
  3. Unread #2 - Aug 18, 2020 at 7:53 AM
  4. Andy
    Jan 2, 2018
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    VeqzeR requesting a pardon for image altering on PlayerAuctions dispute

    Hello @VeqzeR,

    Users: VeqzeR

    VeqzeR/Nokzide Editing HTML

    As there are no debts and no signs of evasion this can now move into voting. Results can take up to two weeks and when a verdict is reached, your name will be shown in this thread.

    Until then, please remain patient, thank you.
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