The Fully Packed F2P Pure guide [with skillers and hybrids]

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Expulsion, Sep 28, 2007.

The Fully Packed F2P Pure guide [with skillers and hybrids]
  1. Unread #1 - Sep 28, 2007 at 5:03 PM
  2. Expulsion
    Jul 25, 2007
    Sythe Gold:

    Expulsion Apprentice

    The Fully Packed F2P Pure guide [with skillers and hybrids]

    So you decided to look at this guide for all the f2p pures? Here it is!

    To quickly find something, I have put the guide into sections. Press CTRL+F and type in the bolded numbers, and click twice.
    1. Strength Pures
    1a. The way of training, then pking strength pures
    1b. The way of pking strength pures
    2. Range Pures
    2a. Training, then pking range pures
    3. Magic Pures
    4. Prayer Beast
    5. Hybrids
    6. Skillers

    Why make a pure?
    Most people likes to make pures for pking, fun, or just being stronger than other players! Sometimes people do it here, to just sell it on the black market. Maybe they want to make a skiller? I don't know, but this guide will tell you about them!

    All FAQ questions will come from this topic.
    Q)How do you raise defense when you're making a tank ranger?

    A)Train defense using Long Range with the bow, or combat-wise[with a sword/shield].

    If you are going to pk, there is a triangle of Runescape, what I like to the "The RS Triangle". It is that mages will own warriors, warriors will own rangers, rangers will own mages. But with this guide, it might change, like rangers might own both mages and warrior. Warriors might own both mages and rangers, and mages might own.. er... Warriors/rangers for a little while.. A pure usually has 1 def, until it is very high leveled.

    There are 6 different types of pures, they are:

    •Prayer Beast

    1. Strength Pures

    Strength Pures are preferred by most people. Why? Because it is really cheap. All you need to buy is a rune scimitar and an amulet of strength and start killing, instead of buying runes or arrows.

    1a. The way of training, then pking strength pures

    Some people like to train first, then pk, or just train all the way. This section will help you with it.

    Some people, when they're training, think it good to like like 30 strength first, then get 5 attack. DO NOT DO THIS! It makes it take longer to level up, because you will miss. You should get about 5 strength, then 5 attack. Try to keep it equal, since black scimitars cost so much for some stupid reason, I get strength to level 20 then get attack to 20. Once again, try to keep it equal. Once you get 40 attack and 40 strength, do not train attack again, unless you are going to be p2p.

    Once about 60~70 strength, I suggest you pk, but if you like to train, go ahead. If you reach 99 strength, get about 60 or 70 attack, and maybe raise defense to 40[this is f2p] to be a rune pure, also if you are getting 25 magic because you will probably need to teleport, use my magic guide to get 25 magic, without raising HP.

    Training Areas:

    1 ~ 20 attack and strength: I highly suggest the chicken farm south of Falador, barely anyone trains there[from my experience]
    Level 21 ~ 40 attack and strength: Scorpians in the dwarves mining area, hardly used to train, usually people only mine there.
    Level 41 ~ 60 strength: Maybe the guards in Varrock, or black knights north of Falador.
    Level 61 ~ ?? strength: Lesser Demons at high strength levels, just ask for lobsters at Karamja, or White Knights at Falador.

    1b. The way of pking strength pures

    Some people just like to just start pking, this is the section that you should read.

    If you are going to pk, then it is better to have higher strength, than equal attack or higher attack. Why? Well, your holding a mithril scimitar while the other guy is holding a steel scimitar, you're hitting 2s and 3s, while he's hitting 5s, 6s. Bad idea. A good way to do it is getting about 20 strength and 5 attack, 40 strength and 20 attack[i skip black scimmy], then 60 strength and 30 attack, lastly 70 strength and 40 attack. If you get 99 strength, raise attack to like 70 or 60 to get more hits, then raise range, magic, defense, whichever you like.

    There are different styles of Strength Pures too.
    The Iron/Mage Robes Pure:
    Attack: 40
    Strength: 60+
    Defense: 1
    Mage: 1 or 25
    Range: 1
    Prayer: 1
    These pures like to have low defense, and have higher strength to hit higher. These are the most used pures, and are very common. They usually wear full iron or mage robes.

    The Steel Pure:
    Attack: 40
    Strength: 60+
    Defense: 5
    Mage: 1 or 25
    Range: 1
    Prayer: 1
    These pures are usually made because the pure owner might have "accidentally" gotten 2 defense and said, "Aw damn, might as well get it to 5 defense." These pures are barely seen, and are usually never purposely made. They usually wear steel armor.

    The Black Pure
    Attack: 40
    Strength: 60+
    Defense: 10
    Mage: 1 or 25
    Range: 1
    Prayer: 1
    These pures are usually made purposely. There purpose is to kill rangers or steel/iron warriors with ease. They are rarely seen. They usually wear full black.

    The Rune Pure
    Attack: 40
    Strength: 60+
    Defense: 40 [or 45 if member]
    Mage: 1 or 20
    Range: 1
    Prayer: 1

    These pures are also made purposely, they are made to kill without getting hurt quite as often, they are usually very high levels, and usually kill a lot of people.

    Places to pk:
    1 ~ 20 CB Level: Varrock, usually a good place to kill at low levels
    21 ~ 60 CB Level: I really like Edgeville at this levels, better than being teamed on, but you might get PJed.
    61 ~ ?? CB Level: Anywhere you like, I don't care. Just a tip, go to Varrock wilderness with only a team, I'll tell you that.

    2. Range Pures

    Range pures are sort of chosen by RS users that want to make a pure because, they can shoot far, shoot fast, and hit semi-great. These are what I consider the second cheapest pure, just buy 100 addy arrows, a bow, and your off!

    2a. Training, then pking

    Please ignore the upper half of this guide if you only wish to make it pk first.

    Well the only way to train here, is to just click Rapid and start shooting arrows. Nothing really to say here.

    In pking, however, rangers can be used to lure the enemy deeper into the wild by shooting at him, and if he has Auto Retaliate on, he will chase you, if he doesn't, he probably will run away.

    There are different styles of Range Pures too.
    Leather/Mage Chest Range Pure:
    Attack: 1
    Strength: 1
    Defense: 1
    Mage: 1 or 25
    Range: 40+
    Prayer: 1
    This style of rangers is the most common, and are usually used with Dragon Chaps and Vambraces with mage top and hat, or leather cheat and coif.

    Hard Leather Range Pure:
    Attack: 1
    Strength: 1
    Defense: 10
    Mage: 1 or 25
    Range: 40+
    Prayer: 1
    Just raised to level 10 defence. Uses hard leather body armor. Rarely used.

    Studded Range Pure:
    Attack: 1
    Strength: 1
    Defense: 20
    Mage: 1 or 25
    Range: 40+
    Prayer: 1
    Sometimes called "Tank" Rangers, but not entirely. Used to wear studded, and be more effective against rangers, warriors, and mages. Uncommon. Wears Dragon Chaps and Vambraces with studded chest and coif.

    Tank Ranger:
    Attack: 1
    Strength: 1
    Defense: 40+
    Mage: 1 or 25
    Range: 40+
    Prayer: 1
    Most effective against rangers, warriors, and mages, the tank ranger can easily overpower any of those. They are usually 70 defense, and 80 range. Common in P2P, but are semi-common in F2P.

    Training Areas:

    1 ~ 20 Range: If you have a lot of arrows to spare, kill chickens at Champions Guild. If not, go to south of Falador and kill there.
    21 ~ 40 Range: Barbarians in Barbarian Village, or scorpians.
    41 ~ 60 Range: Black Knights in the fotress, hide behind a table.
    61 ~ ?? Range: Stay at Black Knights, or go to Karamja and kill Lesser Demons.

    Where to Pk:
    1 ~ 10 CB: Varrock Level 1, Nice place
    11 ~ 60 CB: Edgeville is good, no teaming, stay at Varrock or go deep only with a trustworthy team.
    60 ~ ?? CB: Anywhere you like, you're a high level now[sorta].

    3. Mage Pures

    Mage pures are really effective during levels 6 ~ 21. Higher than that, they start to suck, unless you are in a group. There is no point in training a mage, only pking with it. So, I will tell you about the styles of a mage pure, and then tell you where to pk. ALWAYS use the best killing spell you can use!

    There are different styles of Mage Pures too.
    1 Defence Mage Pure:
    Attack: 1
    Strength: 1
    Defense: 1
    Mage: 60+
    Range: 1
    Prayer: 1
    These mages are used alot, usually for killing low levels when they're low levels. I suggest you to use full blue wizard robes, give upgrades the best.

    Tank Mage Pure:
    Attack: 1
    Strength: 1
    Defense: 40+
    Mage: 60+
    Range: 1
    Prayer: 1
    These mages are made sometimes, but are not common at all. They are used to be able to withstand damage from rangers/warriors while casting spells on them.

    Where to Pk:
    1 ~ 40: Varrock, make some teams, mages will dominate!
    41 ~ ??: Go deep, mages in a pack can instantly kill if you pile on one person.

    4. Prayer Beast

    Prayer Beasts are made with 31+ prayer, to get bonuses for Strength, Attack, Defense, Range, or Magic or to keep an extra item if you die.

    There are 3 types of Prayer Beasts.
    Strength Prayer Beast:
    Attack: 40
    Strength: 60+
    Defense: 1[usually]
    Mage: 1 or 25
    Range: 1
    Prayer: 31+
    Strength Prayer Beast always have at least 25, or 31 prayer to protect items, or get a 15% bonus from using Ultimate Strength. All prayer beasts are uncommon[in f2p], but there might be more to come. They might even have 43 to protect from melee!

    Mage Prayer Beast:
    Attack: 1
    Strength: 1
    Defense: 1[usually]
    Mage: 60+
    Range: 1
    Prayer: 45+
    Since one of the old newly updates which made you able to increase you magic by 15%, some mages might do this to get that bonus, I don't know. To be honest, I've never seen one like this, but you might have. 45 prayer can be used fro Mystic Might and Protect prayers, but why would you need protect item for a mage?

    Range Prayer Beast:
    Attack: 1
    Strength: 1
    Defense: 1[usually]
    Mage: 1 or 25
    Range: 60+
    Prayer: 44+
    These usually have 44+ prayer for the Eagle Eye which gives a 15% bonus and the Protect prayers. I've never seen one before, but there has to be at least one out there!

    How to train:
    1 ~ ??: Bury bones, monkey bones, burnt bones, and big bones A LOT to get to the level you want to. It can be rewarding though.

    Where to Pk:
    Since they are so weak at early levels, because their CB has raised because of prayer, Prayer Beasts barely pk at early levels. They usually kill at level 60, which is when they could catch up to other players, and kick ass. Even if they die, they can protect their weapon!
    Pk at Edgeville or at 1v1 Zones.

    5. Hybrids

    Many people have hybrids. What is a hybrid, you may ask? Well, a hybrid is a mixture of 2 pures, such as:
    Range Pure + Mage Pure = Range/Mage Hybrid
    Strength Pure + Range Pure = Strength/Range Hybrid

    Get it? These are very common in the Runescape world, don't forget that. It may be really important, because some guy might go "hey liek u wuna teem?/" and if you say yes, he might bs you and be a strength/mage hybrid and start attacking you and hide his mage, and you're like, "Oh man, this guy is a newb," and then all of a sudden.. BAM! Fire bolt! Dead! How do you like that mother fucker? So never guess that a guy isn't a hybrid, because about 3/4 pures are.

    There are so many fucking styles of hybrids.
    Strength/Range Hybrid
    Attack: 40
    Strength: 60+
    Defense: 1[usually]
    Mage: 1 or 25
    Range: 60+
    Prayer: 1
    These hybrids are usually made to use the range/r2h combo. The combo is that while you are ranging, if your opponent has a little bit of HP, say about 16, right before you shoot, you switch to R2H and see if you hit a 16 on him to KO. These hybrids at usually made around CB Levels 49 ~ 60 and you can tell if they're this hybrid if they're wearing: Iron, Strength Amulet, or Dragon Chaps with Rune Scimmy

    Strength/Mage Hybrid:
    Attack: 40+
    Strength: 60+
    Defense: 1[usually]
    Mage: 60+
    Range: 1
    Prayer: 1
    These are usually used in the low levels, to trick the no0bs that think they aren't mages. Their technique is that they start attacking you, hitting really weak, not using magic, with mage robes, and your like, "NOOB GET 0WN3D!!!" Then when you have about 8 hp left with full iron on and they use fire strike and you die. Then he adds you and goes, "Who fucking sucks now bitch?"

    Range/Mage Hybrid:
    Attack: 1
    Strength: 1
    Defense: 1[usually]
    Mage: 60+
    Range: 60+
    Prayer: 1
    These are made usually by idiots. No offense. I mean, you're wearing dragon chaps and vambraces, and you're trying to mage. That's pathetic, it's like a 1/10 chance it'll hit. But that's my opinion. These are sort of good for luring deeper, because with range, you have to get sort of close, but with mage, just use fire blast, he chaes you, and then you range him. Easy like pie. But IMHO, these suck.

    Strength/Range/Mage Hybrid:
    Attack: 40
    Strength: 60+
    Defense: 1[usually]
    Mage: 60+
    Range: 60+
    Prayer: 1
    These are the least common out of all the3 hybrids that are above this. These can range, melee, AND mage. Pretty handy if you ask me. :)

    Training Areas:
    TBH, I have no clue, just use the pure guides for this part. Just train each one seperately.

    Pking Areas:
    These are most effective in Edgeville for 1v1. Strength/Mage and Range/Mage are really great at low levels. Strength/Range and Strength/Range/Mage are great at high levels.

  3. Unread #2 - Sep 28, 2007 at 5:16 PM
  4. Halo-2-Fanatic
    Feb 21, 2007
    Sythe Gold:

    Halo-2-Fanatic Forum Addict

    The Fully Packed F2P Pure guide [with skillers and hybrids]

    ok guide so far
  5. Unread #3 - Sep 28, 2007 at 5:47 PM
  6. Expulsion
    Jul 25, 2007
    Sythe Gold:

    Expulsion Apprentice

    The Fully Packed F2P Pure guide [with skillers and hybrids]

    I finished Prayer Beasts and thanks Halo-2-Fanatic.
  7. Unread #4 - Sep 28, 2007 at 6:31 PM
  8. ownﺉ
    Aug 30, 2007
    Sythe Gold:

    ownﺉ Active Member

    The Fully Packed F2P Pure guide [with skillers and hybrids]

    nice, but you say tankers not common?
    nowadays everybody has a tank.
  9. Unread #5 - Sep 28, 2007 at 6:32 PM
  10. Expulsion
    Jul 25, 2007
    Sythe Gold:

    Expulsion Apprentice

    The Fully Packed F2P Pure guide [with skillers and hybrids]

    In f2p? Are you serous?
  11. Unread #6 - Sep 28, 2007 at 6:33 PM
  12. Recnuob
    Jun 14, 2007
    Sythe Gold:

    Recnuob Guru
    $25 USD Donor

    The Fully Packed F2P Pure guide [with skillers and hybrids]

    Thanks.. favouritized :)
  13. Unread #7 - Sep 28, 2007 at 6:41 PM
  14. xxx skippster xxx
    Aug 19, 2007
    Sythe Gold:

    xxx skippster xxx Forum Addict

    The Fully Packed F2P Pure guide [with skillers and hybrids]

    awome man im making a tank ranger :D so far im 55 range 59 mage 3 def
  15. Unread #8 - Sep 28, 2007 at 6:42 PM
  16. Expulsion
    Jul 25, 2007
    Sythe Gold:

    Expulsion Apprentice

    The Fully Packed F2P Pure guide [with skillers and hybrids]

    Man, I'm going to have trouble with the styles of hybrids. There are a lot.
  17. Unread #9 - Sep 28, 2007 at 6:44 PM
  18. xxx skippster xxx
    Aug 19, 2007
    Sythe Gold:

    xxx skippster xxx Forum Addict

    The Fully Packed F2P Pure guide [with skillers and hybrids]

    man help me out... how do i train def when making a range tank? :D
  19. Unread #10 - Sep 28, 2007 at 6:46 PM
  20. Expulsion
    Jul 25, 2007
    Sythe Gold:

    Expulsion Apprentice

    The Fully Packed F2P Pure guide [with skillers and hybrids]

    Maybe use long range? Or train defense combat-wise?
  21. Unread #11 - Sep 28, 2007 at 6:53 PM
  22. xxx skippster xxx
    Aug 19, 2007
    Sythe Gold:

    xxx skippster xxx Forum Addict

    The Fully Packed F2P Pure guide [with skillers and hybrids]

    alright.. thanks man.
  23. Unread #12 - Sep 28, 2007 at 7:28 PM
  24. Abysal Rush
    Jul 26, 2007
    Sythe Gold:

    Abysal Rush Forum Addict

    The Fully Packed F2P Pure guide [with skillers and hybrids]

    . If you reach 99 attack, get about 60 or 70 attack

    Just a typo.
  25. Unread #13 - Sep 28, 2007 at 7:31 PM
  26. Expulsion
    Jul 25, 2007
    Sythe Gold:

    Expulsion Apprentice

    The Fully Packed F2P Pure guide [with skillers and hybrids]

    Thanks, it's been fixed.
  27. Unread #14 - Sep 28, 2007 at 8:03 PM
  28. .::MaSteR::.
    Feb 15, 2007
    Sythe Gold:

    .::MaSteR::. Guru

    The Fully Packed F2P Pure guide [with skillers and hybrids]

    hmm, range pures sometimes are good with 44 pray for eagle eye at like 70+ range
  29. Unread #15 - Sep 28, 2007 at 8:08 PM
  30. Expulsion
    Jul 25, 2007
    Sythe Gold:

    Expulsion Apprentice

    The Fully Packed F2P Pure guide [with skillers and hybrids]

    That's in the Prayer Beast section, TBH. Also, updated it and now there is Hybrids!
  31. Unread #16 - Sep 29, 2007 at 1:54 AM
  32. BullsEye
    Apr 4, 2007
    Sythe Gold:

    BullsEye Guru

    The Fully Packed F2P Pure guide [with skillers and hybrids]

    wow a large guide :O! and not even finished yet :D!
  33. Unread #17 - Sep 29, 2007 at 3:59 AM
  34. shadow s t r
    Jun 2, 2007
    Sythe Gold:

    shadow s t r Forum Addict

    The Fully Packed F2P Pure guide [with skillers and hybrids]

    im sorry to say but that is just genral knowledge just crammed into a guide sorry...
  35. Unread #18 - Sep 29, 2007 at 5:24 AM
  36. N A T H A N
    Sep 10, 2007
    Sythe Gold:

    N A T H A N Forum Addict

    The Fully Packed F2P Pure guide [with skillers and hybrids]

    very, very effective
  37. Unread #19 - Sep 29, 2007 at 6:47 AM
  38. z3zim4
    Apr 16, 2007
    Sythe Gold:

    z3zim4 Forum Addict

    The Fully Packed F2P Pure guide [with skillers and hybrids]

    With 44 magic I can't use Eagle Eye... :p
  39. Unread #20 - Sep 29, 2007 at 8:38 AM
  40. crazy cj
    Feb 17, 2007
    Sythe Gold:

    crazy cj Forum Addict

    The Fully Packed F2P Pure guide [with skillers and hybrids]

    i like it so far cant wait to read it once its done :p
< Selling a 112 main! | ~~~ Selling Lvl 69 Range Pure ~~~ - 90 Range >

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